Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting


Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting - the new of you're currently and from T DIY worrying me yeah we are making or you know me more you know things around animal shapes so Anna extended you know ir iron or have even seen in like a week material %uh and we're gonna make em wit you know the ER I cross stitch no needing no for embroidering a lil

okay so there around right so why can't we make or with Sony company I am easily coming to be okay you wanted to use Google that's what I'll the hit alright whatever bracket on it wanna mmm so many smaller me there so we're gonna Brackin and the ones with the bracket the other side K this in to get okay you just literally fly one into the other K and cash it ample are at untac and contact with it in it so a and it'll just the right through it yeah K and don't worry I mean Easter from the dollar store he don't like Bowl you're gonna rate me anyway so it doesn't matter what color they are

Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting

if you want them to think gold you're probably gonna need to use real the Spurs he wanted and stakeholder wanted him to stay sober yet I S and now we have our first great here and now we're gonna take it to you haiku bracket time when do you think tank one inside any other I'll all red and Paul and I just why one bracket into the eather and then just tighten up and then we will put tak they're just gonna fly one into the effort he won't happen to watch yes her it any get any network really whatever she in a circular same here I can only spray-painted and we're LaCie here finished

Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting

when they've done now this plan actually could be done two-way i had sitting in or I mean it a I'm sorry earn and I thought about being like that pot something happen coming out of it yeah but the other idea if look it over in you as caves her life can't lie %uh were polite are so big right now and they are so it could yeah Restoration Hardware curry are any those place anymore by sante small can only hear yeah and his you know here I of nothing about that for my daughter's

 Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting fixtures

Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting

my lightweight a tangy where yesterday make in this room right also in think that this was just a brat she and channel it I think that a garage sale which breaking it the horrors yes over I'll I'm doing yeah K do it in here to a friend in this one black im and ideas exterior paint have I have

Restoration Hardware Bathroom Lighting fixtures

okay me we're done with men lack dark walnut stain because there'd okay so there would and honestly I had poll tax I just steinway had everything Diana you hold yeah so I had he's just sitting with unboxing in my home okay all the
